Does Bathtub Reglazing Work and How Long Will It Last?
Many people wonder if the process of bathtub reglazing is worth the time, money and effort they put forward to this project. Will it achieve the desired results and turn an old worn out tub and return it to its former glory? Will its refinished look last long? The answer to these questions is “Yes” if the bathtub reglazing job is done professionally and by an experienced reglazing professional.
Why Reglaze?
Bathtub reglazing is often considered when you do not have the time or money to replace the existing units. When a new tub is installed, often the tile around the tub will need to be replaced to fit the height or width of the new unit. So refinishing makes a lot of sense when all you desire is replacing the fixtures and creating a new look in your bathroom. Often this method has been used to cover up and beautify outdated or unwanted color schemes.
Bathroom Refinishing Results
A lot of the results of this project depend upon the skill of the technician doing the job and the quality of the materials they have to work with. Bathtub reglazing is not a mystery and is based on sound chemistry, but one of the most neglected and least understood areas when attempting to do this project is surface preparation and spraying techniques. The experienced professionals will clean and prepare the surface for bonding. The bonding creates a fresh solid surface that looks and feels brand new. By hiring a licensed, insured and bonded company, with an established reputation with friends, neighbors or businesses around you, is the only way to guarantee you get the results and beautiful bath tub you desire.
Lasting Effects
When done properly bathtub reglazing will last many years. If you hire a professional to complete the job, you will be assured lasting results and you will get a warranty. After your tub is reglazed and if you care for the new surface properly you will also ensure its long term effects. When you treat the tub with care, the reglazing will last 10-15 years before another application is needed.
If you are considering reglazing one or more of your tub surfaces, you can be assured that when you hire a professional the results will be fantastic and your new surface will last for many years to come. Ask us any questions, read our blog, call us ANYTIME! We service Tampa bay throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties!